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RESEARCH /Hydraulic Seas on the Volga River,


This project offers an operative concept of a hydraulic sea to engage with multiple histories of water reservoirs that facilitate the hydroenergy infrastructure. The concept derives from infrastructure studies and recent investigations into the materiality of water and approaches a constructed body of water as a techno-scientific body elemental to a hydroelectric unit, thus unsettling prominent dam-driven imaginary.

The project looks into the discontinued history of water reservoirs along the Volga River. Particularly, it explores the flooding of five towns in the area of the hydropower plants: Korcheva, Kalyazin, Mologa, Puchezh Volzhskiy, and Stavropol Volzhskiy. It traces how submerged places persist in memory, underwater, and through material artefacts. It engages with the objects discovered in field trips to the towns, such as sculptures, photographs, and architectural models, and offers a way to reconsider their histories and interrogate the major narrative of Soviet national world-building endeavour.


Soviet Industrial Time and Nonscalable Temporalities: Telling Time with Hydraulic Seas

Hydraulic Seas on the Volga River

Stories for the Hydraulic Seas on the Volga


Project Anywhere, The Centre of Visual Art, University of Melbourne and Parsons School of Art, Media and Technology, Parsons School of Design, The New School, 2023-2024


The London Conference in Critical ThoughtSchool of Law, Birbeck College, University of London, 2022

Oceans as Archives Symposium, University of Amsterdam, 2022

After Progress, curated by Martin Savransky and Craig Lundy, February 2022-ongoing 


is an interdisciplinary researcher and artist whose practice revolves around writing, video, collective reading practices, and walking tours. Nastia explores bodies of water and their ecologies at large. She co-runs residues of wetness, a digital archive of thinking with and about water’s entanglements, fluidities and discontinuities. 

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